Te Manawapouhihiri

In this section:

Te Manawapouhihiri
Raukawa Cultural Framework

Poua Te Pou Tūpuna Ki Te Pouheke Roa Hei Pouhihiri Matua

Te Manawapouhihiri supports the declaration that our kaupapa will perpetuate and give life to mātauranga ā-iwi, ā-hapū, and ā-whānau in the creation of ourselves to fully live as Raukawa in our today and tomorrow.

Te Manawapouhihiri is our Raukawa Cultural Framework, a distinctive house of knowledge that sets us apart from everyone else.  The design, the name, and the development of Te Manawapouhihiri were guided by our people.  Their voices informed us that our house of learning must lead our people to live as Raukawa no matter where they are in the world, ‘kia tū Raukawa i te ao’

 Te Manawapouhihiri aims to inform, guide and align our mahi, programmes and initiatives as we work to revitalise and normalise mātauranga ā-iwi o Raukawa within our iwi and wider community.  

Te Manawapouhihiri aims to guide our people to better understand and embody what it means to be Raukawa, mai i te kōpū ki te kōpū.  The objective of Te Manawapouhihiri is that mātauranga ā-iwi o Raukawa will enable intergenerational success and well-being.

Within our Cultural Framework, we have five pou that metaphorically can be likened to the three baskets of knowledge attained by Tāwhaki.  The knowledge and skills within these pou will ensure the survival and well-being of our whānau, hapū, and iwi.  

Pou Tangata

Pou Tangata connects everyone to our Raukawa cultural heritage.

Pou Whenua

Pou Whenua connects us to Raukawa marae, whenua, waterways and significant sites.

Pou Atua

Pou Atua connects Raukawa uri to their tribal and hapū customs and protocols, underpinned by hapū and iwi values and beliefs.

Pou Kai

Pou Kai connects us to the traditional practices of kai and rongoā.

Pou Kōrero

Pou Kōrero connects us to the oral histories through speaking of Te Reo o Raukawa in our everyday lives.

“Poua Te Pou Tūpuna Ki Te Pouheke Roa Hei Pouhihiri Matua” 

Nā Paraone Gloyne  

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