Pou Kōrero

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Pou Kōrero

Pou Kōrero connects us to the oral histories through speaking Te Reo o Raukawa in our everyday lives. 

Te Rourou Iti ā-Haere is our CD waiata compilation, completed in 2014 and is made up of thirteen Raukawa waiata which lists the most commonly sung waiata heard throughout the Raukawa takiwā and beyond.

Ngā Pakiwaitara a Raukawa is a series of bilingual stories completed between 2014 and 2017. The stories are intended for a wide range of age groups from pre-school and primary to secondary school years.

The stories of our past are brought to life through illustration and easy-to-follow storylines. The stories of our ancestors open a doorway to the lives and the culture of yesteryear and they give the reader a greater depth of Raukawa cultural understanding and connection.

Recently, we animated the pre-school and primary series, and examples of these can be seen on the Raukawa Animations page.

‘Te Oriori o Raukawa’ or more affectionately known to Raukawa as E onge āku e is an oriori that provides us with an opportunity to tune in and reconnect with the wisdom and kura huna our tūpuna left behind. The body of knowledge imbued within the oriori provides an experience that develops, strengthens, and unlocks our potential to reconnect to something greater than ourselves. Every verse is symbolic of the sacred passage that marks key cultural rites and events in our lives. As we journey through these verses we are reminded to be worthy descendants to our tūpuna and reliable tūpuna to our descendants. Click on the ‘Te Oriori o Raukawa’ button above to access the audio tracks and the button below to access the words.
"Orioritia taku orokohanga kia puta ki te whai ao ki te ao mārama."
Paraone Gloyne
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